Order Cancellation
- Returns,Refund & Dispute
- Order Cancellation
- Order Cancellation
How to cancel an order that hasn't been paid?
If your payment of an order has not been made yet, you may cancel it by clicking "Cancel order" in your account atWigsbuy.com.
How to cancel an order that has been paid?
We move fast ! Our priority is getting items delivered toour customers as quickly as possible.
Orders canceled within 24 hours since paid will get full refund.
Orders canceled within 24-72 hours since paid will get 70% refund of total amount.
Orders canceled after 72 hours since paid before shipment will get 30% refund of total amount.
Once your order has been shipped, it can no longer be cancelled.
Tip: To ensure the correct items are ordered, we suggest that you read the products' detailed description carefully before ordering. If unsure, you can send usemail to service@wigsbuy.com